My Manning Family  people, places and history

This site has been established to allow our various related families to communicate, share information, and collaborate on all aspects of family history, past, present and future. It is open for viewing by any one, anywhere, but privacy controls restrict certain data to registered family members only.

The 3,043 individuals, 912 surnames, and 1191 families listed within this web site comprise the extended Manning and Eberts families and their known-to-us genealogical histories. This web site contains information compiled through the meticulous and time-consuming efforts of our dedicated family researchers.

Our family tree is in near-constant flux and was last updated on October 18, 2021. This collective and cooperative repository of family data, as presented herein, is by no means complete and most certainly contains some errors. We hope you can offer corrections or wish to contribute additional information, pictures, or documentation. Please use the built-in email function to advise us so (below) or if you are a relative of ours, you may request membership/registration (above). Any and all of your comments are encouraged and are always welcome. NOTE: Registration to view deceased ancestors on this site is not necessary. You need only register if you plan to participate by contributing information and materials via our online databases.

NOTE: Data on living individuals is protected by strict privacy rules and all information contained within this site is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws and may not be used for any commercial purposes whatsoever. We thank the other researchers who have allowed the incorporation of their work within the data presented herein and we acknowledge their individual and collective copyrights and ownership of these efforts.